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On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 03:17:35AM -0700, Christopher R. Maden wrote:
> At 02:21 6-10-2001, Julio Merino wrote:
> >I'm doing a research project about hardware and operating systems, so
> >I've choosen Docbook to write it.
> >
> >But I need to quote some words, but I don't know which tag to use.
> >For example, how do I quote BIOS, POST, cylinder, sector, track...?
> >
> >I don't think that <emph> is the way to go... or is it? (I would like
> >that these words appere different in the paper (i.e. italic letters).
> Context?

Well, I'm writing a chapter about the division of the hard disks, so I
explain what are the cylinders, the heads, the sectors, etc. I would
like only to highlight the first instance of the word, if possible.

About the BIOS and the POST, I have another chapter that explains the
process of system bootup, from powering up to OS startup.

> If you are talking about the *word* "cylinder", then <wordasword> is=20
> appropriate.  If you are talking about cylinders as a technical concept,=
> and want the word to stand out, then <hardware> might be appropriate.  Fo=
> BIOS, probably an <application>... I'm not sure.

Mmm... BIOS may be think of hardware and software, isn't it? The chip
itself and the routines...

> If the distinguishing feature is that these are glossary terms defined=20
> elsewhere, then <glossterm> would be the thing to use.

This would also be interesting. I'm going to look at these tags in the
Docbook guid ;)


> HTH,
> Chris
> --=20
> Christopher R. Maden, Principal Consultant, HMM Consulting Int'l, Inc.
> DTDs/schemas - conversion - ebooks - publishing - Web - B2B - training
> <URL: http://www.hmmci.com/ > <URL: http://crism.maden.org/consulting/ >
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Make a better partition table: http://www.jmmv.f2s.com/ept

Julio Merino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ICQ: 18961975

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