* G.L. Grobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011013 16:37]:
> For doing something as simple as changing background color and the sizes of
> titles on my main page, is there really no other way than to learn the
> driver syntax and have to write a *.dsl file? I was browsing through all my
> *.dsl files looking for examples, but have yet to find one. Wouldn't there
> already be *.dsl's to do this around somewheres?

[ reply-to set to docbook-apps ]

Directly from html/dbparam.dsl:

(define %body-attr% 
  ;; REFENTRY body-attr
  ;; PURP What attributes should be hung off of BODY?
  ;; DESC
  ;; A list of the the BODY attributes that should be generated.
  ;; The format is a list of lists, each interior list contains the
  ;; name and value of a BODY attribute.
  ;; /DESC
   (list "BGCOLOR" "#FFFFFF")
   (list "TEXT" "#000000")
   (list "LINK" "#0000FF")
   (list "VLINK" "#840084")
   (list "ALINK" "#0000FF")))

AFAIK there is no easy to configure variable to change H1 to something

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                              http://www.miwie.org

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