/ Mike Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| 1. http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/para.html shows an example wherein a
| <para> contains an <itemizedlist>. Simplified DocBook doesn't seem to allow
| this. I just want to make sure this was a deliberate change. Is the correct
| approach in Simplified DocBook to keep lists as blocks separate from
| paragraphs?

Yes. One of the factors that contributed to the design of Simplified
was the design of HTML which forbids blocks in paragraphs.

| 2. In my document, I want to provide some examples of command-line input and
| program output. I was just going to use <screen>, but that's not available in
| Simplified DocBook. Instead of <screen>, I am using
| <literallayout class="monospaced" format="linespecific">
| and mixing <computeroutput> and <userinput> within it, as necessary.
| For example,

You could just use programlisting. (I wonder if Simplified should have contained
screen instead of programlisting...)

| Does this sound like the right way to go about marking up the kind of text I'm 
| dealing with?

It sounds like your markup goals may be in excess of what Simplified provides.
It might be worth considering full DocBook.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | A wonder is often expressed that
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | the greatest criminals look like
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | other men. The reason is that
                                   | *they are like other men in many
                                   | respects.*--Hazlitt

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