DocBook currently has different info wrappers for metadata at (most)
different levels: ArticleInfo, BookInfo, ChapterInfo, Sect1Info, etc.

The original motivation for this scheme was to allow customizers to
change metadata on an element-by-element basis. An organization might
decide to simplify section-level metadata so that, for example, ISBN
numbers were not allowed.

Occasionally, users suggest that it would be simpler and better if
there was just one <info> element.

What do you think?

Has anyone out there ever actually customized the info wrappers so
that the were different in different contexts?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Life does not cease to be funny | when people die anymore than it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | ceases to be serious when people
                                   | laugh.--George Bernard Shaw

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