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/ Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 15 Oct 2002
| =======================================================
| The DocBook Technical Committee met on Tuesday, 15 October 2002
| at 01:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+)
| for 90 minutes.
| Agenda
| 1. Roll call


  Paul Grosso
  Dick Hamilton
  Michael Smith
  Bob Stayton
  Norman Walsh
  Sabine Ocker [:05]
  Nancy Harrison [:10]


  Dennis Evans

| 2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting


| 3. Review of the agenda


PG: Where do tables stand?
NW: The action is on me to put together the proposal.

| 4. Review of open action items {5 min}
|     a. Norm to put instanced-based cross-reference text on the agenda
|     b. Norm to construct an example of RFE #558443 using existing metadata
|     c. Norm to put the charter on the agenda
|     d. Dick to experiment with SiberSafe for help authoring background
|     e. Norm to follow-up on RFE 562343: <packagename> element
|     f. Norm to post combined table markup for CALS+HTML
|     g. Dick to experiment with SiberSafe for help authoring background
|     h. Norm to follow-up on RFE 562343: <packagename> element
|     i. Norm to post combined table markup for CALS+HTML
|     j. Richard to provide some concrete examples of what might need to be added
|        for HTML Help
|        [Abandoned: MS resigned.]
|     k. Sabine to provide some concrete examples for HTML Help
|     l. Norm to investigate namespace convention in MathML Module (RFE #582705)
|     m. Norm to republish simplified ToC proposal
|     n. Norm to put schema discussion on the agenda
|        [Abandoned: MS resigned.]
|     o. Norm to post more detail about the PE reorganization with some documentation
|     p. Norm to write better documentation for option/optional
|     q. Dennis to find out if he can post the internal style guide documentation
|        on option/optional
|     r. Norm to find previous discussion of process/server/daemon markup
|        (Dind't we fall back on systemitem?)
| 5. Next meetings

Different number next month.

ACTION: Norm. Third Tuesday of each month normally. Next meeting is
an exception, 12 Nov 2002. Following meetings on 17 Dec, etc.

| 6. Charter Revision
|    Plan to vote on revised charter[3].

BS: Are there any "new directions" that we wish to exclude? There's
not a clear description of exactly what DocBook is.

NW: Charter will link to TC website, which provides a clear
description of what DocBook is.

Proposed: Accept charter with minor editorial revision to the teleconference
schedule and membership.

Accepted unanimously.

| 7. Instance-based cross-reference text

Bob briefly described his proposal. Norm suggested that we've done
without this for nigh 10 years, so we should go with named styles for
now (CDATA attribute), and hold off on the algorithmic approach for
now, unless/until a demand for it appears.

Consensus is that we should add a style attribute of some kind.

PG: I'm still interested in making sure that all of the obvious use
cases are covered.

Let's leave it open.

ACTION: Norm to put on the agenda for next month.

| 8. Review of Requests for Enhancement {40 min}
|    To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):
|           http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;
|           group_id=21935&amp;atid=384107&amp;aid=XXXX
|    where XXXX is the RFE number.
|     606071 allow glossary in place of glossdiv
|     609061 Add new Step sibling element Alternative

Postpone until November in light of new information from Mike Smith.[2]
Please take this to email.

Perhaps we want to reconsider the whole notion of procedure.

This seems to tie in with the thread on exercises on the docbook-lists[3].

[lost Norm at this point (32 minutes into the meeting) due to battery
failure, so meeting adjurned for this month]


PG: I want to mention that next month will be DocBook's 10th

Mike Smith did the archeology to discover that 10 Nov 1992 is
apparently DocBook's birthday.

|     613293 Generalize programlisting
|     615473 Extend float values on figure?
|     615587 Support xml:base
|     615588 Support XInclude
|     616216 recursive Subset tag
|     616220 frontmatter body backmatter tags
|     621564 New element Task and children
|    The following RFEs have been moved to the bottom of this agenda in order
|    to make sure that all RFEs get fairly discussed.
|     413389 Enhance METHODNAME and VARNAME
|     436067 splitting tech.char.class
|     473365 Allow optional in funcprototype
|     482818 Simplify ToC content model
|     514435 Allow reference within refentry
|     Mike: can you summarize where this issue stands?
|     558443 include storage info in metadata
|     Bob: can you summarize where this issue stands?
|     562343 <packagename> element
|     564776 process/service/daemon/server markup
|     565637 Associate non-inline image with link
|     565716 URL and URN markup
|     565905 Add xrefstyle attribute
|     570068 Online values for pubwork
|     571996 Add 'namespace' inline element
|     571998 Add 'default' inline element
|     573419 Add bidirectional text overrides
|     573812 Allow blockinfo on blockquote
|     574880 Add annotation element
|     582705 Namespace convention for MathML Module
|     582822 VARARG and FUNCDEF together
|    The following RFEs are awaiting action items
|     431411 RFE 70: add generic linking capability
|     472229 Allow HTML tables
|     522552 Add title attribute to <ulink> element
|     598994 arg vs option
|    The following RFEs are identified as V6.0 or later
|     531851 Remove inline person name elements
|     532088 Remove RevHistory from qandaentry

[1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200209/msg00011.html

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | It is necessary to try to surpass
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | oneself always; this occupation
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | ought to last as long as
                                   | life.--Christina, Queen of Sweden
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