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/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| There seems to be a rough consensus on this now. What's the next step?

I think we need to see some more explicit description of the semantics
and content models.

| Am Samstag, 12. Oktober 2002 12:13 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
|>      <exercise>
|>       <exerciseinfo>...as in sectioninfo...</exerciseinfo>
|>       <setup>...information on what is needed to setup the exercise,
|> student data etc...</setup>
|>       <scenario>...</scenario>
|>       <task>
|>         <objective>...</objective>
|>         <solution>...</solution>
|>       </task>
|>       <task>
|>         <objective>...</objective>
|>         <solution>...</solution>
|>       </task>
|>       ...
|>      </exercise>

I'm personally quite unhappy with this proposal as it's written. It
adds five fairly general sounding element names (setup, scenario,
task, objective, and solution) in a fairly narrow context. Experience
suggests that this is too specific; it will work for some people, but
it will spawn frequent requests for more flexibility and new
special-purpose elements.

I'd be happier with a structure like this:


I'm not sure I like the element name "exercisesection" very much, but
you see what I have in mind.

We have had some discussion of adding a floating section-like element,
"topic". If we did that, then we might allow exercises to contain topics.

|> Some method of controlling Stylesheets would be required to enable 
| authors
|> to display <solution>s or not depending on the documentation required. 
| For
|> example, a Student version of the document might not contain <solution>s
|> whereas the Tutor version of the document would contain everything.
| That would be really great!

The goal in designing the markup is to make sure that the structure contains
enough information to drive the presentation you want.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | All the good maxims already exist
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | in the world; we just fail to
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | apply them.--Pascal
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