Am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2002 18:26 schrieb Bob Stayton:
> Looking back in the archives, it seems that this is how you
> do it with 4.1.2:
> <programlisting>
>   <inlinemediaobject>
>     <imageobject>
>       <imagedata fileref="myfunc.c" format="linespecific"/>
>     </imageobject>
>   </inlinemediaobject>
> <programlisting>

Yes, this is valid with 4.1.2

But why isn't there an easier mechanism/markup for verbatim inclusion of text 
files? I suppose that this is something which occurs frequently. (?)

> layer or on the command line. The parameters are
> use.extensions=1 and textinsert.extension=1. Both must be
> set for it to work.

I get the following error:

$ java  -classpath /usr/lib/saxon-6.5/saxon.jar com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet  -o 
Pythonbuch.html  Pythonbuch.xml  htmlsheet.xsl use.extensions=1 

No insertfile extension available.
Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 812

What does that mean?

Bob, could these extensions be a subject for your "Using the DocBook XSL 

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