Hallo Peter,
You can find a German tutorial here, which will certainly help you:

We (three students) are currently writing our diploma thesises in
DocBook and guess the topic: Digital Publishing. I did talk to some
publishers, like Adisson, which even accept XML, though not DocBook and
we are negotiating with some local printing shops.
You can contact me, probably better on a privat line, for specific
questions. You can even do it in German :-) 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Wilm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Sonntag, 17. November 2002 14:35
> Subject: DOCBOOK: docbook suitable for book - creation ?
> Hi,
> The literature for docbook - newbies (e.g. DocBook: The Definitive
> Guide) concentrates on the creation of the structured 
> content. However, as I consider learning docbook for writing 
> my thesis, I would also like to know how to produce a printed 
> version of the book. I do have highly specific constraints 
> regarding the Layout: e.g. the size of the left / right page 
> margin, etc. So the layout is specified in the stylesheet, 
> which is written in XSL or DSSL, I suppose ? Is there any 
> online literature suitable for beginners ? So, if I want to 
> create a suitable layout for my thesis - not for 
> some thesis - but to fullfill the specifications that *I* got 
> - will it be easy to learn to write the stylesheet (i.e. in a 
> few days) ? With LaTeX everything seems clear to me - but the 
> switch LaTeX -> docbook is a bit difficult if you have to 
> print the XML - document to a PDF file in a concrete 
> specified Layout ? I got the impression that layout doesn't 
> matter to the docbook community... Thank you very much for 
> any help! Peter.

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