Monday 21 December 2009
> I'm upgrading a 4.5 Docbook document to 5.0 using db-upgrade.xsl and
> I'm getting an error on a rather simple document. Here it comes ..
> <?xml version=3D"1.0" encoding=3D"UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE article
> PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
> "";>
> <article lang=3D"">
>  <sect1>
>    <title>Hello, ..</title>
>    <para>world</para>
>  </sect1>
> </article>
> This document is valid according to a) Emacs/nxml and b) MSV.

I validated your document in oXygen and I can confirm it is valid. According 
to the content model of article[1], a title is _optional_.

> Then I upgraded this document with db4-upgrade.xsl  (Release: $Id:
> db4-upgrade.xsl 7660 2008-02-06 13:48:36Z nwalsh $) and I get:
> <!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
> <article xmlns=3D""; version=3D"5.0"
>  xml:lang=""> <section><info><title>Hello, ..</title></info>
>    <para>world</para>
>  </section>
> </article>
> which is !!! NOT !!!  valid ( inserting a article/title element makes it
>  valid).

When I validate your file in oXygen, I get:

 element "section" not allowed yet; expected element "info", "subtitle", 
"title" or "titleabbrev"

So the best is to insert the missing title element right after article 
_before_ applying the transformation.

According to the RELAX NG schema, an article[2] needs a title. The stylesheet 
just doesn't know this case which creates an invalid DocBook 5 document. I 
would consider it a bug.

>Is this bug known?

Look at [3], maybe there is already one.

>Is there a bug tracker?

See [3] on Sourceforge.

>Patches accepted?

Probably yes. :)



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