Back in about 2008, Dave Pawson and I did some work on the website and
created a 3.0 version based on DocBook 5.0. The good news is that it
works, and Dave did some nice documentation that you can find here along
with the schema itself:
The bad news is that it hasn't been taken back into the official
sourceforge repository. That is mostly because Dave and I ran out of
cycles, and other commitments intervened.
What we completed does work; I created a web site using it
(, and Dave may have also used it for a website.
Your bringing this up reminds me that we really need to take the steps
required to get this into the standard distribution. That process may
change some of what we did, but I hope not by much.
If you try it out, I'd be interested in hearing how it works for you.
Best Regards,
Dick Hamilton
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators <> 
(970) 231-3624

-----Original Message-----
From: John New [] 
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 1:40 PM
Subject: [docbook] Status of Website DTD

Just wondering what the status of the Docbook Website DTD is. It hasn't
been updated for some time (I think since 2.6.0 in 2005). Are there any
plans to do so?

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