Hello, I am trying to create JAXB (Java Architecture for XML binding) for docbook with the xjc program.
Has anyone already done this? I am getting errors with both docbook.xsd and docbook.rng: 1) xsd The command: xjc -p docbook docbook.xsd yields a long list of errors, the first one being: [ERROR] Property "Role" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict. line 7999 of file:/C:/Users/stefano/core/___docbookjava/jaxb/docbook.xsd 2) rng The command: xjc -relaxng -p docbook docbook.rng also yields a long list of errors, the first one being: [ERROR] Invalid class name "db.bridgehead.renderas.enumeration". Either XJC has failed to derive a class name from XML name, or invalid name is given. Use <jaxb:class> customization to override a name. line 1734 of file:/C:/Users/stefano/core/___docbookjava/fusesource/library/template/lib/d ocbook50/rng/docbook.rng Thanks for any help. Stefano