I'm confused about the attribute xlink:show and the option embed. On one 
hand, the xlink:show attribute appears
to describe what should happen when you click the link in the built 
document (e.g., when you click the link, a new window should open, etc.,).
And yet on the other hand, the embed option suggests transclusion 

If you had a guilabel, that used the xlink:href attribute along with 
xlink:show="embed", does this mean that the guilabel element would
be replaced by the element that it is pointing to? 

Thank you,

Identifies the XLink show behavior of the link.
An application traversing to the ending resource should load it in a new 
window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context.
An application traversing to the ending resource should load the resource 
in the same window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context in 
which the starting resource was loaded.
An application traversing to the ending resource should load its 
presentation in place of the presentation of the starting resource.
The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is 
unconstrained by XLink. The application should look for other markup 
present in the link to determine the appropriate behavior.
The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is 
unconstrained by this specification. No other markup is present to help 
the application determine the appropriate behavior.

Kate Wringe | Tech Writer 2| Sybase
445 Wes Graham Way, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6R2 Canada | Tel: (519) 883-6838 | 
kate.wri...@sybase.com | www.sybase.com 



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