DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 17 February 2010

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 17 February 2010 at
01:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+,
022:30p India+).

1. Roll call

Present: Paul Grosso, Dick Hamilton,
Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Jirka Kosek, Larry Rowland,
Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh.  We have a quorum.

Regrets: Patricia Gee

2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.

3. Next meeting: 17 March 2010

Changed to 10 March 2010.

4. Review of the agenda.

Norm added item 11b.

5. Review of open action items

 a.  Gershon to develop a reltable example.
     Transferred to Bob.

 b.  Norm to develop a proposal for maintaining the DocBook websites.

 c.  Norm better document indexterm in footnote.

 d.  Bob to restart assembly related links discussion.

 e.  Bob to initiate discussion of assembly info element.

 f.  Jirka to write up requirements document for transclusions in DocBook.

7.  Publishing Subcommittee report.

Still problems with the build process for DTDs. Norm is
working on it. Namespaces don't work well in DTDs.
May do XSD instead of DTDs.

ACTION: Norm to work on the build process.

8.  eLearning Subcommittee report.

Starting to work through other eLearning standards to
learn best practices. There is now a SourceForge directory
for samples and documents. [4]

9.  Metadata in assemblies
    See Bob's email[2].

The group agreed that metadata for assembly elements should be
separated from metadata that should override the content
of a resource. Gershon provided some perspective on the
DITA approach.  We agreed that info should be used for metadata
for assembly elements, so that its usage agrees with its usage
in general DocBook (applies to its parent element).
Could not agree on an element name for the other: info in
a different namespace, info-override, info-resource. Will
continue the discussion on the mailing list.

ACTION: Bob to post element naming question to TC list.

10.  Linking in modular DocBook.
    See Bob's email and followups.[3]

A relationship/instance element references a resource
element ID.  An inline relatedlink element references a
content ID.  These are to be merged, filtered, sorted,
and output at the end of each topic.  We agreed to
add a "type" attribute to relatedlink to enable
categorization similar to the relationship/association

ACTION: Bob to create a sample for review.

11.  Transclusion in DocBook.


11b.  Schedule for release of 5.1 beta.

Norm was wondering if getting a 5.1 beta out by March
10 would be possible, so he could include it in
his talk at XML Prague 13-14 March.  He clarified
that in 5.1 the assembly elements would be in a
separate schema from the stock DocBook schema.

12.  Review of Requests for Enhancement

   To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):;;

   RFEs to revisit for 6.0
     1907003  biblioid content model too broad

   RFEs to be considered
     1679665  Add better support for modular documentation
     2820190  add a topic element
     2820947  Ability to transclude text

     2935829  Expand content model of sidebar
ACTION: Norm will investigate this item further.



Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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