DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 21 April 2010

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 at
01:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+,
022:30p India+).

1. Roll call

Present: Paul Grosso, Dick Hamilton, Nancy Harrison,
Scott Hudson, Larry Rowland,
Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh.  We have a quorum.

Regrets: Jirka Kosek, Gershon Joseph

2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous (Februrary) meeting.

3. Next meeting: 19 May 2010

4. Review of the agenda.

Two new items:

12a. Google Summer of Code
12b. Status of DocBook: The Definitive Guide, 2nd edition.

5. Review of open action items

 a.  Bob to develop a reltable example.
 Completed and just sent out.

 b.  Norm to develop a proposal for maintaining the DocBook websites.

 c.  Jirka to write up requirements document for transclusions in DocBook.

 d.  Norm to fix the build process for publishing committee schemas.

 e.  Bob to post assembly metadata element naming question to TC list.

 f.  Bob to create sample of linking in modular doc.

 g.  Norm to investigate expanding content model of sidebar (RFE 2935829)

7.  Publishing Subcommittee report.

Scott reported that neither subcommittee met this month.
The publishing schema is ready for another 15 day review
in OASIS, thanks to the DTD being completed by Norm.
This DTD addresses the only comment from the previous
review period.

Scott proposed that the Committee accept the Publisher's DTD
to submit for public review.  Approved.

ACTION: Scott to submitt schema to OASIS for review.

8.  eLearning Subcommittee report.

Scott reported that they continue discussions. They got a
good test sample from Teaching Matters to work with.

9.  Change bug fixing release protocol (Norm).

This items was motivated by the discovery that a table
element is permitted inside a table entry, which violates
the CALS standard.  Our current update protocol prevents us
from fixing this until 6.0 because it would be backwards
compatible.  Norm suggests a new protocol that a
permits fixing of egregious bugs so we can fix it
in 5.1.

ACTION: Norm to propose wording for changing the bug fixing policy.

10.  Metadata in assemblies
    See Bob's email[2].

After some discussion of Bob's proposal, it was accepted
for the assembly beta version.  We may change the
element name "override" before submission to OASIS.
Here are the changes.

a. Permit <info> on any element in an assembly.

b.  Define the content of info like the DocBook 5 info element.

c. An info element in <structure> can contribute to the output, just like the info element on the root element of a document.

d. An info element in any other assembly element generally does not contribute to the output, although I'm sure there are cases where it could.

e.  Permit <override> only on <module>.

f. Define the content of <override> to be only those elements that make sense to be overridden. Not sure what that list is, though.

g. Any element in <override> is merged with the content that the module points to, and overrides it if the corresponding element exists in the resource.

11.  Linking in modular DocBook.
    See Bob's email and followups.[3]

Norm posted a complete example [4].
Bob reviewed it and said it was what he expected to happen
when processing such related links.

ACTION: Bob to republish the topic schema for inclusion in 5.1.

ACTION: Bob's reltable example to be discussed at the next
meeting, but we will omit it in the first 5.1 beta.

12.  Transclusion in DocBook.

Postponed until we get Jirka's proposal.

12a.  Google Summer of Code.

Dick briefly described the current proposals that were
submitted. Also he said co-mentoring opportunities
are available.

12b.  DocBook: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition status.

You can now buy the ebook, with the print edition coming
soon.  Norm will rebuild the online version.

13.  Review of Requests for Enhancement

   To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):;;

   RFEs to revisit for 6.0
     1907003  biblioid content model too broad

   RFEs to be considered
     1679665  Add better support for modular documentation
     2820190  add a topic element
     2820947  Ability to transclude text
     2935829  Expand content model of sidebar
     2954469  allow <simpara> in <para>

The Committee has long resisted attempts to create general
container elements like div to group block elements.  This
proposal suggests something similar for paragraphs.
Bob suggested using the annotation mechanism as a workaround
for marking up element groupings.

ACTION: Larry to respond to the RFE.

     2964576  disallow table in entry

The Committee wants to fix this for 5.1, but we need to
change our update policy since this is backwards incompatible.



Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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