On 05/13/2010 04:48 AM, Richard Quadling wrote:

I'm refining some documentation (PHP) which has used methodsynopsis
for the constructor and the destructor ...

    <methodparam choice="opt">

is now ...

    <void />
    <methodparam choice="opt">

Is this "correct"?

For "void", the tdg says "An empty element in a function synopsis
indicating that the function in question takes no arguments", but
later says "The Void element produces generated text that indicates
the function has no arguments (or returns nothing). "

This suggests that "<void/>" may be used instead of "<methodparam>", as the documentation explicitly mentions arguments, but not return values.

Also, the question appears to be very (programming-) language specific: For example, in C++, constructors (and some other operations) do not have return types. So putting "<void/>" there is (at least syntactically) wrong. I don't know PHP and thus can't argue about that.

For function arguments, things are similar:
The fact that a function doesn't take any argument can already be deduced from their absence from the declaration (at least in modern C, in contrast to K&R C !), so I don't see a need for "<void/>" to indicate an empty function parameter list, either, at least in modern C or C++. I don't know about PHP.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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