On 6/7/2010 9:43 AM, Rowland, Larry wrote:
or simply use a PNG of the expression

That's good if your output is HTML or something else where bitmap images are appropriate.

If your output is PDF or PostScript, better to use a vector graphics form of the equation: PS, PDF, SVG... whatever your XSL-FO formatter can accept.

I use both vector and bitmap equations in this manual, because I publish it in HTML and PDF formats:

        http://fcalc.net/manual/     (HTML version)
        http://fcalc.net/manual.pdf  (PDF version of same)

The code for each equation looks like this:

    <equation id="spot-diam-eq">
      <title>spot meter diameter</title>
        <imageobject role="fo">
          <imagedata fileref="formulas/meter-diameter.pdf"/>
        <imageobject role="html">
          <imagedata fileref="formulas/meter-diameter.png"/>
          <phrase>d = 2 times the square root of A p over pi</phrase>

That particular equation's here: http://fcalc.net/manual/spotmeter.html

The differing "role" attributes ensures that each version of the manual gets only the equation graphic type appropriate to it.

I generate both versions from a single LaTeX file using standard Unix "small parts loosely joined" techniques. The manual is built with Make, so adding a prerequisite step that turns these LaTeX files into PDF and PNG files is trivial.

I chose this method over MathML because I'm only aware of one XSL-FO formatter that will accept it, MathML support is an optional feature at extra cost for that formatter, and I don't own a license for that formatter anyway.

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