Kasun Gajasinghe <kasun.gajasin...@gmail.com> writes:
> May be it only occurs in my machine, I don't have access to another machine
> right now to verify this. I'm in Ubuntu 10.10. I see that figures in english
> ("en") version display correctly. So, may be we could use those. But, some
> figures contains texts which needs to be translated. I'm not familiar with
> Russian though! But, I'm happy to help to fix this issue in any other
> ways. :)

I can confirm the problem, but I don't see any evidence to suggest how
it happened. I suspect the only forward course is to commit the English
figures and edit them appropriately.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com> | All generalizations are dangerous, even
http://nwalsh.com/            | this one.--Alexandre Dumas

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