Hello DocBookers,

Periodically, the DocBook Technical Committee wonders about the merits
of organizing a "DocBook Conference" of some sort. There's certainly
plenty we could talk about and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would
enjoy a chance to learn what other folks are doing.

This year, Jirka Kosek and the kind folks who organize XML Prague are
reserving space for a few days before and after the conference itself.

Several W3C and ISO working groups are planning to hold meetings
after the conference.

The DocBook Technical Committee is considering holding a one day
workshop/conference/meetup, call it what you like, on Friday, 10
February 2012.

We haven't really worked out any of the details yet, but there are
lots of possibilities. In no particular order:

  * What's new in DocBook 5.1?

  * DocBook for topic-oriented authoring (topics and assemblies in

  * Case studies

  * Q&A/Ask the experts

  * What's new in the stylesheets

  * DocBook for EPUB3

  * Customizing and extending DocBook: markup and tools

  * Insert your favorite topic here

We realize that Prague is kind of a hike for users outside of Europe,
but in fairness, anywhere we pick is a hike for someone. And as I've
burbled effusively about the XML Prague conference before, I assure
you that it's worth the trip.

So, if we do it, will you come? And if you will, what topics would you
like on the agenda and would you like to present on something you've
been working on?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>      | Life does not cease to be funny
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | when people die anymore than it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | ceases to be serious when people
                                   | laugh.--George Bernard Shaw

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