A while back Dave Pawson posted a question about graph2svg:


Am I the only one that would like an easier way of generating simple
graphs (perhaps line and bar chart) in docbook?
It seems such a pain to go out to an SVG tool and draw it when
XML XSLT could do it for us from a (slightly modded) table?

Dave pointed to the graph2svg utility on google, and has since provided his own link and documentation:


I am wondering about the status and usefulness of the stylesheets. First, the stylesheets require an xsl processor, and the only xsl 2 processor is Saxon. However, if you use the latest version of Saxon, saxon9he.jar, the stylesheets crash because this processor does not accept built in functions. Instead, one has to download the older version to get the stylesheets to work.

But the documentation for the stylesheets is very sparse. The original is in Russian, a language I don't read. I can't figure out simple things like how to put labels on my x and y axis. Also, the SVG document has no width and height attribute in the root element. So far as I understand, that makes it unusable for FO implementation, or at least FOP processing. FOP requires a height and width attribute. You just can't put these attributes in after the document is generated because it will throw the scale off.

For that reason, I have started writing my own stylesheet. However, I thought that maybe I should try to get something very complete to work before I spent a lot of time.

I think the graph2svg is an excellent idea, but I wonder if it has any future. Having a standard graphing language, and thereby tools to generate graphs, would certainly be very helpful.


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