DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 18 January 2012

The DocBook Technical Committee will meet on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 at
01:00p EDT for 90 minutes.

NOTE: This meeting date is the second Wednesday in December, not the usual third Wednesday.

Attendance at teleconferences is restricted to members
(and prospective members) of the committee.

This is the phone number for Wednesday's DocBook TC call:

Phone: +1-719-387-5556
Code: 902213

The DocBook TC uses the #docbook IRC channel on  The IRC channel is used for exchanging
URIs, providing out-of-band comments, and other aspects
of the teleconference, so please join us there if at
all possible.


1. Roll call
2. Accepting the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
3. Next meeting: 15 February 2012 4. Review of the agenda.
5. Review of open action items

 a.  Bob to add contributed Publisher's stylesheets to the XSL distribution.

 b.  Norm to post Simplfied DocBook 5.0 to

 c.  Gerson to propose content models for result element(s)
     (RFE 3163121).

d. Norm will clarify the resolution of RFE 3107140 aconym expansion inline
 e.  Norm to incorporate Larry's help assembly doc [2] into
     The Definive Guide.

 f.  Norm to publish Simplified, Website, and Slides schemas
     based on DocBook 5.

 g.  Norm to clarify in TDG that DocBook common attributes
     on structure are normally copied to the output
     root element.

 h.  Norm to resolve ambiguity problems with XSD
     and publish XSD 5.0 and 5.1b again.

 i.  Bob to write up an assembly schema modeling the
     info elements with suggested names for discussion next month.

 j.  Norm to add new media support to DocBook 6.0 beta.

6. DocBook assembly
Review Bob's assembly info proposal. [3]

7.  Extended XLink support

Continued from last meeting.

8. Transclusion in DocBook
Any progress at W3C?

9.  Review of Requests for Enhancement

   To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):

   RFEs to revisit for 6.0
1907003 biblioid content model too broad
   RFEs under discussion
2820947 Ability to transclude text 3035565 Allow sections at any level 3107140 aconym expansion inline 3156768 <result> tag
     3439101   MusicXML in DocBook: incorrect use of docbook



Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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