I have encountered the following problem when working with Norman Walsh's stylesheets. I am processing a document with a table. I have included the table at the end of the document. I am using FOP 1.0 to process the document.

If I set the parameter fop1.extension to 1, I still get an error message from FOP that auto table is not supported. I hunted and found the problem seems to be with htmltbl.xsl stylesheet, found in


The problematic code is at the top, with the template that matches d:table:

<fo:table xsl:use-attribute-sets="table.table.properties">
<xsl:when test="$fop.extensions != 0 or
                      $passivetex.extensions != 0">
<xsl:attribute name="table-layout">fixed</xsl:attribute>

FOP needs the table-layout attribute to be set to fixed in order to render tables, but the stylesheet only sets this attribute to fixed if fop.extenstion != 0. If I change the above to

<xsl:when test="$fop.extensions != 0 or $fop1.extension != 0

Then the code works fine.

Am I missing something?



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<doc:article xmlns:doc="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook";>
<doc:title>Executive Report</doc:title>
<doc:section xml:id="introduction">
<doc:table class="overall-costs" title="Overall Costs" width="50%" frame="void" rules="groups">
<?dbhtml table-width="50%" ?>
    Costs for cutover in dollars.
<doc:col width="50%"/>
<doc:col width="50%"/>
<doc:td style="border-bottom:solid black 2px" align="right">
<doc:para>IT Costs</doc:para>
<doc:para>System costs</doc:para>
<doc:para>SLAM Lines</doc:para>

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