"Bob Stayton" <b...@sagehill.net> writes:
> Hi Norm,
> I read through the new spec and it looks good.  I have just a couple of 
> comments.
> 1. The first example in C.6 uses frigid="line=2,6". Unless you are
> introducing a refrigerator identification system, I think that should
> be fragid. 8^)

Thanks. Paul noticed that bug moments after the last call draft was
officially published. Because that's always the way it is. I've
already fixed the sources, it'll be fragid next time around :-)

> It also says "There are four of them", but I think lines="2,6" is
> inclusive, so that would be five lines, no? The output example seems
> to include the fifth blank line that puts </pre> on its own line.

No, per RFC5147, I think that's lines 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the file.
I think the newline is part of line 6.

I'd be curious if you check RFC5147 and see if you think I'm
misinterpreting it.

> 2. In C.7, the example of attribute copying, I would like to see a
> second example that replaces xml:id. I presume that works even when
> the xpointer is using the xml:id in the source file to fetch the
> content.

Ok. I can add another example.

> Regarding xml:id fixup, this feature only applies to the top-level
> included element. If there are duplicate xml:ids in its descendants,
> then further fixup will be required after inclusion, right?

It fixes all the references properties, but if you really have
duplicate IDs and such, you'll need to do some post-processing to
actually get the results you want.

> 3. This document does not address any improvements to xpointer. I
> still use xsltproc for its implementation of the xpointer() scheme of
> xpointer, but that scheme never became a standard. What is the status
> of using some kind of xpath syntax in xpointer?

There's an xpath() scheme and it's pretty widely supported, I believe.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com> | Society is immoral and immortal; it can
http://nwalsh.com/            | afford to commit any kind of folly, and
                              | indulge in any kind of vice; it cannot
                              | be killed, and the fragments that
                              | survive can always laugh at the
                              | dead.--Henry Adams

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