
I tried to find some information about the structure cleanup in the output 
files, but I didn't found the right one on the web.
Today I got my output in one flat folder, so the output structure looks like 

|-- [img]
 |     |-- img1.png
|     |-- img2.png
|     '-- img3.png
|-- Sample.html
|-- Sample_frame.html
|-- Sample_main.html
|-- styles.css
'-- popup.js

My goal is to have the output like this:

|-- [etc]
 |     |-- styles.css
|     '-- popup.js
|-- [html]
 |     |-- Sample_frame.html
|     '-- Sample_main.html
|-- [img]
 |     |-- img1.png
|     |-- img2.png
|     '-- img3.png
'-- Sample.html

So maybe, somebody can give me an idea how to customize docbook.
Thanks and
Best regards

Markus Sticker

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