It should work. What XSL-FO processor are you using, and what version of the stylesheets?

Also, do other olinks to sections work?
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 1/15/2014 10:39 PM, anmol gupta wrote:

I used the following syntax:


     <section id='abc_gui_9'>

<title>The GUI</title>

<para>The following figure shows:


<figure id='abc_gui_fig_1'>

<title>Main Window</title>



<imagedata valign="top" fileref="./images/Designer.png" scalefit="1"

width="100%" contentdepth="100%"/>






     <para>Do one of the following in the <olink targetdoc="book-abc"

targetptr=”abc_gui_fig_1">Main Window</olink> window: </para>

It does not open abc.pdf at Figure directly. Instead it opens the first
page of abc.pdf. Is there some way by which I can directly open at the
figure of abc.pdf from the other pdf?

Thanks and Regards,


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