In Symfony 4, I have a field where by typing part of the the username or 
email and returns users from the database making an AJAX call.

Is working fine except I do not need users that have role ADMIN. So I 
changed the query adding the 'u.roles NOT KIKE :role' and returns no 

If I remove the 2 following lines :

        ->andWhere('u.roles NOT LIKE :role')
        ->setParameter('role', '%ADMIN%')

the query is working fine.

Here is the query :

    return $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
            ->andWhere(' LIKE :query OR u.username LIKE :query ')
            ->andWhere('u.roles NOT LIKE :role')
            ->setParameter('query', '%'.$query.'%')
            ->setParameter('role', '%ADMIN%')

I dump at least one object from the database that should be matched :

  'id' => string '8' (length=1)
  'username' => string 'mike' (length=4)
  'email' => string '' (length=7)
  'roles' => string '["ROLE_ADMIN","ROLE_USER"]' (length=26)

In the profiler I check the executed query :

SELECT AS id_0, u0_.username AS username_1, AS email_2, 
> u0_.roles AS roles_3, u0_.password AS password_4, AS name_5 FROM 
> user u0_ WHERE ( LIKE '%mik%' OR u0_.username LIKE '%mik%') AND 
> u0_.roles NOT LIKE '%ADMIN%' LIMIT 5;

I expect at least 1 result which corresponds to the provided row in my 
database but nothing is returned and I cannot figure out what is wrong with 
the query.

I also tried other ways to query, like using expr()->notLike() but with the 
same results
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u');
        $users = $qb
                ->andWhere(' LIKE :query OR u.username LIKE :query')
                ->setParameter('query', '%'.$query.'%')
                        $qb->expr()->notLike('u.roles', $qb->expr()->literal
        return $users;

So Is it the query or something else is wrong ?

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