Happy New Year to all, even though many of you are still in 2010.

I'm putting together a full Getting Started book so Friends of OpenDocument
Inc can have a printed copy available for display at their table at the
linux.conf.au Open Day at the end of January.

Do you think we should make this book available for sale to the general
public (through FoOD's store at Lulu.com), or wait until all the chapters
have been updated and declared published? I can easily replace the book's
interior PDF with a new one when the officially published book is ready.

While I am working on the book, I am discovering the occasional item that
needs to be changed. I don't have time to make the changes as I go, so I'm
reporting some of them here on the list, including some that might be
considered enhancements rather than corrections. When I've finished with
publishing the book, I intend to go back to the chapter files and make the
changes, if someone else hasn't already done so.

Why, you might ask, am I not making the changes in the chapter files and
using the master document to recompile an up to date book? The full book has
two serious problems left over from its incarnation as an OOo book: a
selection of buggered-up cross-references, and a bunch of pictures that go
missing when the PDF is created. Both problems can be solved after exporting
the master document to an ODT, removing the links to the chapter files (thus
embedding the contents of those files in the ODF), and deleting (not just
hiding) the copyright and TOC pages in the chapter files.

At some point, we (and/or the OOo Docs team) need to do something to clean
up these files so they behave themselves, but that will be a major project
that we don't have time for right now.


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