On 1/4/2011 9:35 PM, Ron Faile wrote:
On 1/4/2011 9:02 PM, Hal Parker wrote:
Ron Faile has been taking the lead on the user guides, and I've been
contributing a bit, along with at least one other person. The Getting
Started book is pretty much done (except for making corrections and filling
in a few blanks as we learn the answers), so IMO the next step is to work on
the Writer Guide.

What we are doing is rebranding the OOo Writer Guide chapters and adapting
them to LibO: adding info on features that are in LibO but not OOo, deleting
or revising references to older versions of OOo, changing screenshots as
necessary, that sort of thing. Major revisions are being deferred until
later; at this point we just want to get books ready as quickly as possible.

Ron has done the first step (applying the LibO template) and possibly the
second (changing refs from OOo to LibO). Now we all need to pick chapters
and do more detailed work. You'll find links to the files in the lower part
of the table on this page,
http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Development and below that,
the template. The workflow description at the top --at least the bits about
putting things into different folders-- does not correspond to the way we're
doing things at the moment; we're just replacing the files with updated
ones. All the old files stay on the wiki and can be recovered at any time.

So basically what you do is: pick a chapter, put your name in the checkout
column so others know the file is being worked on, do whatever is necessary
(with change tracking on), put the file back, change the feedback column to
BACK (so Ron knows it's ready for him to check), and remove your name from
the checkout column. If you're not sure how to replace a file on the wiki,
just ask. I hope I described that process correctly; if not, I'm sure David
or Ron will correct me.


Hi Barbara, all.

Been busy today or would have gotten back sooner. Hal is right, the best place to start is on the Writer Guide chapters. The basic rebranding is done, but they need to be reviewed, have formatting for the tables and tips boxes updated and replace any screenshots that need it. I'd have a look at one of the Getting Started chapters to see what we're aiming for. Then install the chapter template on the development page (in resources) and checkout a chapter. There is a zip file next to the template with all the screenshots I've done. That should make it easier to update them as you go. And feel free to ask any questions you may have.

When you install the template and open one of the chapters for the first time, it will ask you about updating the links, say yes (there were some minor updates to the template after the Writer guide files were uploaded). Also I realize that all the style names have OOo instead of LibO. Seems like changing the names causes some hicups with custom styles are applied, so I have left that for a later time. Welcome to the team!


OK, I'd like to work on Chapter 9, Working with Tables. I see that I should put my wiki ID (Dupreyb) in the Checkout column. The existing file already is using the template, so would there still be a need for me to install that anywhere? Where am I supposed to work on the chapter? It would seem that there's a resources development page, but I don't know where or whether that is what is meant to be used as a workspace -- or maybe there's now or soon to be an Alfresco location where I can work in Writer.

Once the chapter .odt file is in the right place, I can turn on change tracking (and versioning?) and make the changes; I've gotten the Getting Started with Writer chapter for reference, and I'm assuming that any screenshots used there that are relevant in the Tables chapter are in the zip file. Might I need any others, and if so, how should I go about acquiring them? (Presumably using Paint on a print-screen image is not sufficient!) Is there some definitive list of the differences between the currently-described features and operation, and new ones LibO has, or is this a matter of trying the capabilities in LibO?

Eventually, I'll also need to know how to put the file where it can be reviewed (if it doesn't just stay where it is, with the appropriate control table update to show it's ready). And if something is supposed to be done in the control table's Document Development column, and the associated file (which is apparently a kind of note holder for communication with the team), who sets that up, where, and how is it updated?

Sorry if all this is really obvious -- but the first time is always the 
hardest, right?

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