Hi :)
Particularly the point about the Calc Guide

 "Inserting new sheets"
"working with sheets" and then
"Deleting Sheets"
Seems a good logical flow for the chapters.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 9/11/11, Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] My work on the Getting Started Guide;  
I have questions
To: documentation@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Wednesday, 9 November, 2011, 4:04

Comments interleaved below. See also end of note for other things that
need to be done.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 23:55, David Michel <dsmic...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I worked on Chapter 5 (Calc) of the Getting Started Guide.  This is my first 
> attempt at a contribution to this
> project, so I need help!
> The file is in the Repository under the name:
> 0105GS34-GettingStartedWithCalc DavidMichelFirstDraft.odt
> Go to:  English>Documentation>Getting Started Guide>Drafts
> It is the third on the list.
> The original text from the Wiki is in italics, and my comments are directly 
> below.
>> Redesign Move/Copy Sheet dialog (Edit->Sheet->Move/Copy) - put in section on 
>> "working with sheets".
> I created a screen shot of the dialog.  But, where exactly should I put it?  
> Should more text be written?

I think the logical place would be just before "Deleting Sheets" on
page 17; that is, after the section titled "Inserting new sheets". And
yes, you'll need to write some text to go with it (unless the Calc
Guide includes something you can reuse).

>> Add a few words on sheet tab colors (get words from Calc Guide).
> Done on page 8


>> Add a few words on total and subtotals?
> How much should be written?  These are subjects which take more than a few 
> words.

Just a few words, and see below about combining with other info into a
section on data analysis.

> Mention Pivot Tables (formerly DataPilot) and refer reader to Calc Guide.
> Where, exactly?  I put this on page 35.

That's good. You might say a little bit more than you've got in the
draft. Maybe you can get some ideas or words from the first paragraph
of Calc Guide Chapter 8? Also, mention that in LO 3.3 this feature is
called DataPilot.

After further reflection, I think perhaps a short section on data
analysis, mentioning some of the methods Calc provides (with pivot
tables as an important method), would be more useful in this chapter
than just an item on PTs. The introductory section of Calc Guide
Chapter 9 has some good ideas, and you can also mention consolidating
data, subtotals, scenarios, other "what if" tools, goal seek, and
solver. Just a few words on each.

Let's tie together the basic data entry info earlier in this Getting
Started chapter and offer to readers the idea that they can go
further. Hmmm, I see the CG has subtotals in Chapter 9.

BTW, references to other books are to chapters only (sometimes section
headings), but never page numbers.

Section titles should start with an "-ing" word, for consistency with
the rest of the chapter and book. So, for example, "Using pivot
tables" (capitalization not necessary).

> Add a few words on functions and formulas, refer reader to Calc Guide.
> Again, where?  Do these go together in one section?  I put these on page 35.

Together in one section, yes. Page 35 is good. A bit more discussion,
please. First two paragraphs of Calc Guide Ch7, slightly modified,
could be useful.

> Based on these changes, I updated the TOC.

Other things to do (as listed near the top of this section,

1) Use the Template Changer extension to apply the v3.4 chapter
template (LO_3_4_chapter_template.ott, available from the
Documentation > Resources folder in Alfresco). [You may need to
download and install the extension, then download and import the
template into LO. Get it from
and put it anywhere on your computer, then follow instructions in
] You may also wish to review the relevant part of the GS chapter on
styles and templates for how to use this extension.

2) Change arrows in menu paths to > (to match most other books).

3) Ensure that feedback address on Copyright page shows
documentation@global.libreoffice.org (global is missing in some

4) Check screenshots for changes. Some are definitely out of date, but
I don't know which ones. Use silver/gray theme for any replacements
needed. In many cases (Chapter 4,5,6,7) the component guide will
contain a newer image that can be used in this book without necessity
of recapturing/redoing.


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