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2011/12/20 Peter Byron <>

> I have been using the Calc guide as shown at address below:
> Great effort but I have one suggestion: on top of page 228 it states in
> relation to Pivot Tables, "Unfortunately, Calc does not allow you to use
> the same data field multiple times." This is not correct. The example given
> creates three identical series then loads one in to perform a sum, another
> one to perform a minimum and the third to do maximum. All can be done with
> just the one series.See attached screen capture, all the user needs to do
> is hold done the CTRL key and he/she can select, for example, sum, min, max
> and the Pivot Table wil show all three. This is a massive time saver and I
> think it should be mentioned here. Took me literally years to find out
> about it.
> --
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