On Thu, 2012-02-09 at 22:21 -0200, Rogerio Luz Coelho wrote:
> Ok just to be sure ... we are talking of two separate books here right?
> 1- The BASE cahpter of the GS guide book
> 2- The BASE book
> right ?
> Rogerio

This does seem a little confusing. Perhaps this will help:
     When I first write Getting Started with Base (part of the Getting
Started Guide) a few years ago, I discussed how to create and modify a
relational database. Then more recently, I wrote Introducing Base
(Chapter 1 of the Base Guide). It uses a flat database as its basis.
     This has bothered me somewhat because the Getting Started with Base
chapter is more advanced than the Introducing Base chapter. Some of the
traffic on the various mailing lists led me to think that these two
chapters should be switched. That is, the old Introducing Base Chapter
should become the new Getting Started with Base chapter; and the old
Getting Started with Base chapter should become the new Introducing Base
     With Hazel's great help, we have reduced the size of both chapters.
A little more review, and they will be ready to take their new places.
     Do you understand now?


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