Hi David,

David Nelson wrote on 2012-08-03 20:56:

version of Alfresco Community). The server gets backed-up once a week
from my side, and Florian Effenberger was intending to run hourly
back-ups onto a separate TDF server - I'm not sure if he actually got
around to that, but I'm CC'ing him this mail just in case, because it
would be an excellent precaution to implement.

I just checked, and right now, the machine is *NOT* backupped as far as I can tell. I'm Cc'ing Alin, one of our sysadmins, who is in charge of the (new) backup system. Alin, can you check if rsnapshot still does a backup of media/alfresco.libreoffice.org and if so, disable it there and add it to BackupPC? Best is to discuss offlist with David for the required credentials.

Florian Effenberger, Cedric Bosdonnat and the TDF sysadmins have all
the info to log in and take action at OS level, as does Jeff Potts.

There's still one e-mail from you from early May (sic!) I didn't manage to work on yet. Sorry so much for that - I'm really swamped with work :/ :/


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