> On 30 Nov 2013, at 17:20, C <smau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Robinson Tryon
> <bishop.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> If we did copy the worst case scenario is apparently that we get
>>> served with a "Cease and Desist" or a "Take down" notice....
>>> ...
>>> Plus the chance of being caught out is very small...
>>> ..
>>> If we don't copy and DO the translations ourselves and the result is
>>> much the same as the Apache one then wouldn't that be considered a
>>> copy anyway?
>>> ...so, i think that in this case it is worth taking the risk because the
>>> chance of it being a problem is fairly tiny and it's very easy to fix
>>> if there is a problem.
>> (IANAL either)
>> I think we should be careful about basing our policy on a quick cost
>> vs. benefit risk analysis. If a licensing question arises in the
>> course of our work, I propose that we try to resolve the particulars
>> first and then copy code/documentation/media after we've gotten our
>> ducks in a solid row.
>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:45 PM, C <smau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Unless otherwise stated, the FAQ pages on the OOo Wiki are under the
>>> PDL ( http://www.openoffice.org/licenses/PDL.html ). The PDL license
>>> wasn't added to every FAQ page for various reasons that made marginal
>>> sense at the time.
>> Clayton -- Is there a way that the correct license could be added to
>> those webpages and/or a note could be put somewhere online on the
>> openoffice.org website that confirms the licensing?  It would just
>> make the whole process of verifying licenses before copying content
>> much cleaner.
>> FWIW, I'm not sure that the PDL is compatible with CC-BY-SA 3.0 (the
>> license of the TDF Wiki):
>> https://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:Qubit/license
> The simple answer is probably... no.  Adding an explicit license
> retroactively was attempted many times (by myself and others) back
> when it was all still freshly uploaded on the Wiki. This was always
> met with loud protests and rollbacks (they would remove the license as
> quickly as I added it) by one or two (mainly one) very vocal community
> members (who weren't even documentation contributors).
> The best we/I could do at the time was set explicit licenses where we
> remembered (eg all the stuff under CC-By that Jean put into the Wiki),
> and we put the rest of the Wiki under a general PDL license (which was
> also loudly protested by the same one or two community members... no
> one else cared).
> The AOO community attempted to correct the licensing mess by keeping a
> blanket license in place (and more visible) that serves the same
> purpose as the blanket license that was in place when it was hosted by
> Sun.
> So, as it stands is what we have to work with (unless the AOO guys are
> willing to make the changes, but I think they'll face the same issues
> we did back in 2009-2011).
> The PDL is a bit of an odd animal making it slightly more complicated
> than it needs to be... a legacy of the Sun Microsystems days still
> haunting things :-P  Even if the PDL was explicitly stated on every
> single Wiki page, I have a feeling you'd clash with CC-BY-SA anyway.
> Clayton
> PS:I have no quibble with whatever license is given to the
> documentation, and anything I personally wrote is free for anyone to
> use under any license.

Some info, though I'm not sure what relevance it has to a decision about 
copying FAQs. 
The English Math FAQs were definitely on the OOo wiki before the fork, probably 
for several years. I checked the Internet Archive from just before the fork and 
have taken some relevant screenshots from the FAQ pages. The first page of the 
English FAQ explicitly has a PDL license at the bottom, but none of the Math 
FAQ pages that I looked at (under the heading "Formulas") had any license at 
the bottom.


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