-------- Original Message --------
From: Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com>
To: Documentation@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 11:09:03 +1000

> I have made a further change to the draft template: I created
> Tip/Note/Caution list styles (associated with the Tip/Note/Caution
> paragraph styles) to format Tip/Note/Caution headings with an icon but
> no background color. Thanks to Bruce Byfield for showing me how to do
> this; it's something I should have learned long ago. (Icons can be
> changed later if we want different ones.)
> I also renamed the template. It is here:
> http://www.odfauthors.org/libreoffice/english/resources-for-contributers/lov5-0-chapter-template-draft/view
> --Jean

A big thank you to Jean for the work she has put into this.

A "/heads up/" for anyone using the Template Changer extension:

Version 1.2.6 offered on LO Extensions
ODF Authors
does not work correctly on some recent versions of LO.

I have successfully tested the latest version 1.2.7c on versions 4.2.x,
4.3.x & 4.4.1RC (does not yet work on 5.0beta).
This latest version is available from Bugzilla (attachment to
and I have uploaded a copy to ODF Authors:

Hope this helps.


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