Sounds great Robert! I'm still trying to figure out how we can link in
the help files as I really do think that will be the most beneficial for
our user base. I'm going to reach out to a couple developers and so long
as we can find something that:

1) Doesn't impact local teams workflow;
2) Allows for easy translation for any other contributors

I think we can move forward but it will require some backend work. Let
me poke around but if you create a channel and start creating videos
that coincide with help files that will be fantastic.

Thanks again for your great work :)


On 12/09/2015 05:07 PM, Robert Alexander wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> thank you all for putting so much consideration into this discussion.
> I am quite happy to independently create tutorial videos for
> LibreOffice if it turns out that this is the best route for the
> project as a whole. I was originally going to do that, but decided it
> would be good to get in touch in case you needed specific kinds of
> tutorials. So whatever happens, my plan is to make LibreOffice
> tutorials for the foreseeable future.
> My current workflow means that I create transcripts(technically
> scripts) of my videos, which may be helpful to you as no one will have
> to go back and create them if they are needed.
> Regards,
> Robert
> On 10 December 2015 at 00:46, Robinson Tryon
> < <>> wrote:
>     Sophie wrote:
>     >> What we do not want in localised version is content in en_US
>     language.
>     >> Even if the sound is translated, UI still will be in English
>     and it's
>     >> very difficult to focus on what you learn when all what you see
>     is in
>     >> a foreign language.
>     In terms of the content that we provide on a per-language basis, I
>     agree that it's important to be able to provide consistency to those
>     users who desire it. For those who wish to see only content in
>     language XYZ, then we should strive to show them only content in XYZ.
>     On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Joel Madero <
>     <>> wrote:
>     > Just for full transparency here. Sophie and I had an extended
>     talk on
>     > chat and I'm of the belief that to prevent this from getting
>     into help
>     > files because other locales aren't doing the same is not the
>     smartest
>     > way to move forward. I instead would prefer including it and then
>     > supporting locales to do the same - in the respective languages,
>     with
>     > the right GUI, etc....These then would be linked in the locales help
>     > files and it would empower the community, expand on the product, and
>     > give visibility to a great tool (videos that literally show
>     exactly how
>     > to use features).
>     For those who are multilingual or just adventurous,  I can see the
>     potential benefit if users could choose on a program-wide level to
>     toggle on extra non-localized content (let's call it "Extended
>     Documentation") for each page of the Help. If we were to have rather
>     stringent rules about what content (format, length, structure,
>     license, etc..) could be included in this fashion, then we'd have a
>     decent roadmap on what content we'd like to see localized next.
>     If we're clever about how we include Extended Documentation, we could
>     even recruit for translation/localization by adding a small message to
>     any non-localized content such as "Want to see this content in
>     $CURRENT_LOCALE? Click here to help out!"
>     > I'd prefer discussing a better solution, one where we can agree
>     that the
>     > tool is awesome for users, that the more visibility the better,
>     and one
>     > that empowers contributors to follow Robert's lead and developer
>     > tutorial videos in their respective languages.
>     I'd suggest that any video content included or linked from the
>     Documentation be provided in a similar fashion to our existing text
>     content. Off the top of my head, this would include:
>     - Licensing under CC-BY or CC-BY-SA 3+
>     - Use of free/open file formats
>     - "Source" video archived safely somewhere in TDF infra
>     - Inclusion of extra source materials (e.g. talking points used to
>     make the video, example docs displayed or demonstrated during the
>     video, etc..) with the archived source video to help others who may
>     wish to edit or reshoot the content
>     - Ability to Download or view video using only Free Software
>     (
>     - Strong encouragement for any cross-platform content to be
>     demonstrated using the Doc Team's preferred Free Software GUI shell
>     [1]
>     It would be great to have subtitles provided for each source video
>     from the get-go, however that's definitely a task that can be handled
>     independently, freeing up video creators to create more videos...
>     Cheers,
>     --R
>     [1]
>     Also see:
>     --
>     Robinson Tryon
>     QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
>     LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
> <>
>     802-379-9482 <tel:802-379-9482> | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode

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