Wednesday November 14th2018, at 19:30 Berlin Time

Presents: Drew, Cathy, Heiko, Olivier

Fall back chat:

TDF Jitsi room

Completed Action Items:

    + Update template for Calc Guide (Drew/Dave)
    + Proposal for the future LibreOffice documentation development
workflow (Dave)

Agenda+ Discussion: 
    + Supporting minor updates to published guides (pdf file)

    + How to handle the UI changes with Tabbed Notebook as a standard
feature with 6.2
         +my suggestin is another appendix which maps the change in
toolbutton location and menu location between the standard toolbars and
the notebook bar tabs.(Drew)
         + Perhaps images or graphs (Drew)
         + Guides and Help share contents (olivier)
    + Calc Guide appendix for LireOffice online
    +   some open questions about the stand alone LOOL and the changes
to menu structures when it is part of a CMS such as NextCloud

    + Appendix for Calculation engine support for threading(Drew)
         +Really strugglig with this (more a fyi really)
AI: Emails developers to get more clarifications (Drew)

     + Enter images in document (Cathy)
AI: Clarify the image anchoring (olivier)
     + Long editing session turns LO slow and unusable (Cathy)
         + Some crashes. 
AI: Send offending file to olivier for inspection  (Cathy)

     + What is the real user we are targeting with Calc Guide (Cathy)
          + Upper top of users, knowledgeable Excel user (olivier)
AI:      + Raise the issue in the mailing list (Cathy)
Next meeting WednesdayNovember21st2018, at 19:30 Berlin Time

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00 

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