On 03/12/2020 09:10, Paul Sutton wrote:

On 02/12/2020 21:52, Jean Weber wrote:
What page style were you using for the earlier portrait pages? Choose that one. It’s quite likely to be Default Page Style. BTW, all the supplied page
styles are in portrait orientation except the Landscape style.


I just opened a new document inserted a page that, using the method described is landscape, then wanted to change the next page back to test this out,  so in terms of page style what ever comes with libreoffice 7.


Ok just had a quick look again, so page 1 is the default portrait, page2 of my test document is now landscape and page 3 is back to portrait, however I had to switch it to *default*.

So from a user perspective, if users are looking for portrait as they would find in say a print dialogue or even in the
format --> page --> page tab

then surely the dialog under

insert --> more breaks --> manual breaks, could easily say portrait in the list.

It may just make it easier, perhaps also in this have a option that takes you to the

format --> page dialogue.

May just help users out a little.

I feel am pretty good on things like this, so in a way (as with my adding things up in a table query) I tend to sometimes put a user with no knowledge / experience hat on and try and take that viewpoint.

I know that some users need things set out in such a way it is just obvious, so while I would normally go experimenting and looking round, they don't or won't do that, so they either give up or are scared if the press the wrong button they will mess things up.

Just a few ideas

Now that I know how to do this, I will make a video to illustrate as it is usually more useful than written explanations.


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