This is an addition to the remarks of Jean, here concerning Python.

Hi team,
I was poking around the Docs section of the wiki looking up info and
following links, and I discovered there’s still a lot of out-of-date info
on pages linked to up-to-date pages. No wonder newcomers often get
confused. I don’t know how much energy I have for tracking down and fixing
problems, and I know that others have been doing the same, but there is so
much of it.


1) from > programmers guide > useful functions> you land on

it contains some code, also the msgbox function. This page does not have a link to the next landing

2) from > programmers guide > working with documents > you land on

much more code snippets, in the middle with a remark referencing the previous page

same contents as previous page, don't know how i landed there

4) In the menu bar of mentioned pages, there are entries for writer - calc and so on, clicking on these will bring you to
showing how to manipulate libreoffice objects in various languages side by side. Objects different from all the previous pages

5) an entry in the same menu bar is labelled as Basic/Python which brings you to
loads of basic code (interesting for, no python (intention failed?). Anyhow, the menu title suggests otherwise

I have the feeling that information, for python, is scattered over the website. In general I should say a webpage starts with a wide focus, and upon navigating the focus is narrowed by descriptive links. Of course you can navigate trough different ways to end on the same page. But now there are concurrent ways that never meet and lead to different pages with different content

? who does the webpage content and navigation, most of the mails here seem to  be dealing with the information in nextcloud.

peter heijink

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