--- In dokter_umum@yahoogroups.com, "Dr.(Naturopathy) Ir. Donny 
Hosea MBA. PhD." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Barangkali ini membantu?
> Bacalah semua samapi akirnya.

Hello juga Dok. dan terimakasih atas kiriman artikelnya.

Terkait tulisan dibawah ini.

Apah yah maksud dari :

1. Reaksi anaphylactic 
2. hyperpigmentation
3. Resep yang diberikan oleh dokter kepada saya adalah EtoxySclero 
type yang 2 %. dimana kandungan Polidacanol nya 40 mg, dan etanol 
0.10 ml per ampul. Dokternya meminta disediakan 2 ampul. Kira2 cukup 
aman ngak yah komposisi seperti itu.

PS : Sorry banyak nanya. Soalnya menerjemahkan bahasa inggrisnya 
saja saya sudah kesulitan, apalagi ditambah istilah istilah 
kedokteran lagi :)

_/*Etoxisclerol*/_^® , Sotrauerix^® , Laureth 9^® ). All
commercially available formulations contain some small
quantity of ethanol. The drug was originally developed and
marketed in the 1950s under the name Sch 600^® as a
non-amide, non-ester local anaesthetic that was useful for
injected local anaesthesia as well as for epidural
anaesthesia and for topical mucosal anaesthesia. It was
first used as a sclerosing agent in Germany in the 1960s,
and was quickly adopted for that use in most countries. The
drug is not yet approved by the FDA for sale in the United
States as a sclerosing agent, but is nonetheless widely used
because it offers certain advantages over many other
available drugs. As a local anaesthetic, Polidocanol is
painless upon injection. It does not produce necrosis if
injected intradermally, and has been reported to have a very
low incidence of allergic reactions. The drug has been
intensely studied and extremely well characterized, and has
a high therapeutic index. The LD50 in rabbits is 200 mg/kg
(approximately 5 times greater than that of novocaine), and
the LD50 in mice is even greater, at 1200 mg/kg. *For human
use the German manufacturer of polidocanol recommends a
maximum daily dose of 2 mg per kg, although at least one
author has reported the routine use of much higher doses.
For all its advantages, polidocanol is not without problems
as a sclerosant. Occasional anaphylactic reactions have been
reported. In some patients it may produce hyperpigmentation,
although to a lesser extent than many other agents.
Telangiectatic matting after sclerotherapy with polidocanol
is as common as with any other agent.*

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