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Penjelasan mengenai Flu singapur / HFMD
Ada artikel mengenai HFMD dari CDC


Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common viral illness of infants and 
children. The disease causes fever and blister-like eruptions in the mouth 
and/or a skin rash. HFMD is often confused with foot-and-mouth (also called 
hoof-and-mouth) disease, a disease of cattle, sheep, and swine; however, the 
two diseases are not related—they are caused by different viruses. Humans do 
not get the animal disease, and animals do not get the human disease.

    * The disease usually begins with a fever, poor appetite, malaise (feeling 
vaguely unwell), and often with a sore throat.

    * One or 2 days after fever onset, painful sores usually develop in the 
mouth. They begin as small red spots that blister and then often become ulcers. 
The sores are usually located on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks.

    * A non-itchy skin rash develops over 1–2 days. The rash has flat or raised 
red spots, sometimes with blisters. The rash is usually located on the palms of 
the hands and soles of the feet; it may also appear on the buttocks and/or 

    * A person with HFMD may have only the rash or only the mouth sores.


    * HFMD is caused by viruses that belong to the enterovirus genus (group). 
This group of viruses includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and 

    * Coxsackievirus A16 is the most common cause of HFMD, but other 
coxsackieviruses have been associated with the illness.

    * Enteroviruses, including enterovirus 71, have also been associated with 
HFMD and with outbreaks of the disease.

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How It Is Spread

    * Infection is spread from person to person by direct contact with 
infectious virus. Infectious virus is found in the nose and throat secretions, 
saliva, blister fluid, and stool of infected persons. The virus is most often 
spread by persons with unwashed, virus-contaminated hands and by contact with 
virus-contaminated surfaces.

    * Infected persons are most contagious during the first week of the illness.


      The viruses that cause HFMD can remain in the body for weeks after a 
patient's symptoms have gone away. This means that the infected person can 
still pass the infection to other people even though he/she appears well. Also, 
some persons who are infected and excreting the virus, including most adults, 
may have no symptoms.

    * HFMD is not transmitted to or from pets or other animals.

Factors That Increase the Chance for Infection or Disease

    * Everyone who has not already been infected with an enterovirus that 
causes HFMD is at risk of infection, but not everyone who is infected with an 
enterovirus becomes ill with HFMD.

    * HFMD occurs mainly in children under 10 years old but can also occur in 
adults. Children are more likely to be at risk for infection and illness 
because they are less likely than adults to have antibodies to protect them. 
Such antibodies develop in the body during a person’s first exposure to the 
enteroviruses that cause HFMD.

    * Infection results in immunity to (protection against) the specific virus 
that caused HFMD. A second case of HFMD may occur following infection with a 
different member of the enterovirus group.


    * HFMD is one of many infections that result in mouth sores. However, 
health care providers can usually tell the difference between HFMD and other 
causes of mouth sores by considering the patient’s age, the symptoms reported 
by the patient or parent, and the appearance of the rash and sores.

    * Samples from the throat or stool may be sent to a laboratory to test for 
virus and to find out which enterovirus caused the illness. However, it can 
take 2–4 weeks to obtain test results, so health care providers usually do not 
order tests.

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Treatment and Medical Management


      There is no specific treatment for HFMD.

      Symptoms can be treated to provide relief from pain from mouth sores and 
from fever and aches:

            Fever can be treated with antipyretics (drugs that reduce fevers).

            Pain can be treated with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other 
over-the-counter pain relievers.

            Mouthwashes or sprays that numb pain can be used to lessen mouth 
    * Fluid intake should be enough to prevent dehydration (lack of body 
fluids). If moderate-to-severe dehydration develops, it can be treated 
medically by giving fluids through the veins.



      A specific preventive for HFMD is not available, but the risk of 
infection can be lowered by following good hygiene practices.

      Good hygiene practices that can lower the risk of infection include

            Washing hands frequently and correctly (see Clean Hands Save Lives! 
) and especially after changing diapers and after using the toilet

            Cleaning dirty surfaces and soiled items, including toys, first 
with soap and water and then disinfecting them by cleansing with a solution of 
chlorine bleach (made by adding 1 tablespoon of bleach to 4 cups of water)

            Avoiding close contact (kissing, hugging, sharing eating utensils 
or cups, etc.) with persons with HFMD

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Vaccination Recommendations

    * No vaccine is available to protect against the enteroviruses that cause 


    * Complications from the virus infections that cause HFMD are not common, 
but if they do occur, medical care should be sought.

    * Viral or "aseptic meningitis can rarely occur with HFMD. Viral meningitis 
causes fever, headache, stiff neck, or back pain. The condition is usually mild 
and clears without treatment; however, some patients may need to be 
hospitalized for a short time.


      Other more serious diseases, such as encephalitis (swelling of the brain) 
or a polio-like paralysis, result even more rarely. Encephalitis can be fatal.

      There have been reports of fingernail and toenail loss occurring mostly 
in children within 4 weeks of their having hand, foot, and mouth disease 
(HFMD). At this time, it is not known whether the reported nail loss is or is 
not a result of the infection. However, in the reports reviewed, the nail loss 
has been temporary and nail growth resumed without medical treatment.

Trends and Statistics

    * Individual cases and outbreaks of HFMD occur worldwide. In temperate 
climates, cases occur more often in summer and early autumn.

    * Since 1997, outbreaks of HFMD caused by enterovirus 71 have been reported 
in Asia and Australia.

    * HFMD caused by coxsackievirus A16 infection is a mild disease. Nearly all 
patients recover in 7 to 10 days without medical treatment.


      HFMD caused by enterovirus 71 has shown a higher incidence of neurologic 
(nervous system) involvement.
    * Fatal cases of encephalitis (swelling of the brain) caused by enterovirus 
71 have occurred during outbreaks.

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dan Mayoclinic

semoga membantu



Hand-foot-and-mouth disease


Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a mild, but highly contagious viral
common in young children. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is characterized
sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. It spreads from
to person, usually through unwashed hands or contaminated surfaces. The
common cause of hand-foot-and-mouth disease is coxsackievirus infection.

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease isn't related to foot-and-mouth disease
(sometimes called hoof-and-mouth disease), which is an infectious viral
disease found in farm animals. You can't contract hand-foot-and-mouth
disease from pets or other animals, and you can't transmit it to them. 

There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease. You can
reduce your risk of infection by practicing good hygiene, such as
your hands often and thoroughly. 


http://www.mayoclin <>


E6-A072E320CB29FCA4&method=display%5Ffull',650,500)> Photo of rash on
hand caused by hand-foot-and-mouth disease

E6-A072E320CB29FCA4&method=display%5Ffull',650,500)> disease on the hand

CB-A759B48E07BD0648&method=display%5Ffull',650,500)> Photo of rash on
foot caused by hand-foot-and-mouth disease

CB-A759B48E07BD0648&method=display%5Ffull',650,500)> disease on the foot

http://www.mayoclin <>

The signs and symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease include: 

* Fever
* Sore throat
* Painful red blister-like lesions on the tongue, mouth, palms of the
hands or soles of the feet
* Headache
* Fatigue
* Irritability in infants and toddlers
* Loss of appetite

The usual period from initial infection to the onset of signs and
(incubation period) is three to seven days. Fever is often the first
sign of
hand-foot-and-mouth disease, followed by a sore throat and sometimes a
appetite and the feeling of being sick (malaise). One or two days after
fever begins, painful sores may develop in the mouth or throat. Rash on
hands and feet can follow within one or two days, and may also appear on
buttocks. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease may cause all of the above signs
symptoms or just a few of them. 


The most common cause of hand-foot-and-mouth disease is infection due to
coxsackievirus A16. The coxsackievirus belongs to a group of viruses
enteroviruses. Other enteroviruses sometimes cause hand-foot-and-mouth
disease. Most cases of hand-foot-and-mouth disease aren't serious. 

Oral ingestion is the main source of coxsackievirus infection and
hand-foot-and-mouth disease. The illness spreads by person-to-person
with nose and throat discharges, saliva, fluid from blisters, or the
of someone with the infection. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most
common in
children in child care settings, where diaper changing and potty
are constant, and little hands often are in and out of the mouth

Risk factors

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease primarily affects children younger than 10.
Children in child care centers are especially susceptible to outbreaks
hand-foot-and-mouth disease because the infection spreads by
person-to-person contact with nose and throat discharges, saliva, fluid
blisters, or the stool of someone with the infection. The virus can also
spread through a mist of fluid sprayed into the air when someone coughs

Although less common, hand-foot-and-mouth disease can also occur in
adolescents and adults. Because they've most often developed immunity,
adults and older children are less likely than younger children are to
susceptible to illness from coxsackievirus infection. 

The coxsackievirus may spread for weeks after signs and symptoms have
disappeared. Some people excreting the virus, especially most adults,
have no signs or symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease. 

The risk of contracting hand-foot-and-mouth disease is greater in the
and fall. 

Tests and diagnosis

Your doctor will likely be able to distinguish hand-foot-and-mouth
from other types of viral infections by evaluating: 

* The age of the affected person
* The pattern of signs and symptoms
* The appearance of rash or sores

A throat swab or stool specimen may be taken and sent to the laboratory
determine which virus caused the illness. However, your doctor probably
won't need this type of testing to diagnose hand-foot-and-mouth disease.


The most common complication of hand-foot-and-mouth disease is
The illness can cause sores in the mouth and throat making swallowing
painful and difficult. Watch closely to make sure your child consumes
adequate amounts of fluids during the course of the illness. If
is severe, intravenous (IV) fluids may be necessary. 

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is usually a minor illness causing only a
days of fever and relatively mild signs and symptoms. However, a rare
sometimes serious form of the coxsackievirus can involve the brain and
other complications: 

* Viral meningitis. This is an infection and inflammation of the
membranes (meninges) and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and
spinal cord. Viral meningitis is usually mild and often clears on its
* Encephalitis. This severe and potentially life-threatening disease
involves brain inflammation caused by a virus. Encephalitis is rare. 

Treatments and drugs

There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and
antibiotics aren't effective because it's a viral infection. The illness
simply must run its course. To help lessen discomfort, doctors often

* Rest 
* Plenty of fluids - milk-based fluids may be easier to tolerate than
acidic liquids, such as juice or soda
* Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol,
others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), if needed 

Signs and symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease usually clear up in
to 10 days. 


Certain precautions can help to reduce the chances of infection with
hand-foot-and-mouth disease: 

* Wash hands carefully. Be sure to wash your hands frequently and
thoroughly, especially after using the toilet or changing a diaper, and
before preparing food and eating. When soap and water aren't available,
hand wipes or gels treated with germ-killing alcohol.
* Disinfect common areas. Get in the habit of cleaning high-traffic
areas and surfaces first with soap and water, then with a diluted
of chlorine bleach, approximately 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of
Child care centers should follow a strict schedule of cleaning and
disinfecting all common areas, including shared items such as toys, as
virus can live on these objects for days. Clean your baby's pacifiers
* Teach good hygiene. Be a positive role model by showing your
children how to practice good hygiene and how to keep themselves clean.
Explain to them why it's best not to put their fingers, hands or any
objects in their mouths. 
* Isolate contagious people. Because hand-foot-and-mouth disease is
highly contagious, people with the illness should limit their exposure
others while they have active signs and symptoms. Hand-foot-and-mouth
disease is most contagious during the first week of illness. However,
coxsackievirus may spread for weeks after signs and symptoms have

Keep children with hand-foot-and-mouth disease out of child care or
until fever is gone and mouth sores have healed. If you have the
stay home from work. 

Lifestyle and home remedies

Certain foods and beverages that can cause burning or stinging may
blisters on the tongue or in the mouth or throat caused by
hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Try these tips to help make blister
less bothersome and eating and drinking more tolerable: 

* Suck on popsicles or ice chips
* Eat ice cream or sherbet
* Drink cold beverages, such as milk or ice water
* Avoid acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, fruit
drinks and soda
* Avoid salty or spicy foods
* Choose foods that are soft and don't require a lot of chewing
* Rinse your mouth with warm water after meals

If your child is able to rinse without swallowing, rinsing the inside of
or her mouth with warm salt water may be soothing. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of
with 1 cup of warm water. Have your child rinse with this solution
times a day, or as often as needed to help reduce the pain and
of mouth and throat sores caused by hand-foot-and-mouth disease. 

Hoesana Wennes Doee
PT Bhinneka Mentari Dimensi

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