I've added a few more items to the TODO list.

This (using the WIKI) works much better than the old TODO file,
especially linking to discussions on the mailing list is useful
(as I often forget what was decided).

It would be good if anyone who requests a feature and gets it approved
(someone on the mailing list says ok let's do it), the one requesting
the feature adds it to the WIKI with all necessary information,
including at least a link to the mailing list discussion and possibly
an additional page detailing the feature.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 08:00:01PM +0200, DOLFIN wrote:
> The following page has been updated:
>   http://www.fenics.org/wiki/DOLFIN_road_map
> The changes are as follows.
> ***  
> ---  
> ***************
> *** 24,33 ****
>             + [19]4.2 Function
>             + [20]4.3 Mesh
>             + [21]4.4 Solvers
> !      * [22]5 Items migrated from TODO list
> !           + [23]5.1 Unsorted
> !    [[24]edit]
>   Version 1.0
> --- 24,34 ----
>             + [19]4.2 Function
>             + [20]4.3 Mesh
>             + [21]4.4 Solvers
> !           + [22]4.5 Parameter system
> !      * [23]5 Items migrated from TODO list
> !           + [24]5.1 Unsorted
> !    [[25]edit]
>   Version 1.0
> ***************
> *** 35,41 ****
>        * All bugs fixed, all features in place
>        * Finish manual
> !    [[25]edit]
>   Version 0.9.4
> --- 36,42 ----
>        * All bugs fixed, all features in place
>        * Finish manual
> !    [[26]edit]
>   Version 0.9.4
> ***************
> *** 43,49 ****
>        * Parallel assembly
>        * Parallel solve
> !    [[26]edit]
>   Version 0.9.3
> --- 44,50 ----
>        * Parallel assembly
>        * Parallel solve
> !    [[27]edit]
>   Version 0.9.3
> ***************
> *** 51,63 ****
>        * Use strings instead of enums for parameters
>        * Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
>        * Break up function Assembler::assemble_system
> !      * Cleanup Function class logic
> !    [[27]edit]
>   Other planned features
> !    [[28]edit]
>   Parallelization
> --- 52,65 ----
>        * Use strings instead of enums for parameters
>        * Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
>        * Break up function Assembler::assemble_system
> !      * Cleanup Function class logic, see [[28]discussion]
> !      * Extracting vector field from tensor field, see [[29]discussion]
> !    [[30]edit]
>   Other planned features
> !    [[31]edit]
>   Parallelization
> ***************
> *** 66,78 ****
>        * Refine linear algebra classes for parallel assembly and solve
>        * I/O
> !    [[29]edit]
>   Function
>        * Direct support for tensor valued functions
> !    [[30]edit]
>   Mesh
> --- 68,80 ----
>        * Refine linear algebra classes for parallel assembly and solve
>        * I/O
> !    [[32]edit]
>   Function
>        * Direct support for tensor valued functions
> !    [[33]edit]
>   Mesh
> ***************
> *** 80,99 ****
>        * Continued work on refinement and coarsening
>        * Support for non-affine cells
> !    [[31]edit]
>   Solvers
>        * Code and build system template for users to create solvers that
>          use the DOLFIN library
> !    [[32]edit]
>   Items migrated from TODO list
>      The following items have been migrated from the DOLFIN TODO file.
>      Please help out sorting them into their correct categories above.
> !    [[33]edit]
>   Unsorted
> --- 82,108 ----
>        * Continued work on refinement and coarsening
>        * Support for non-affine cells
> !    [[34]edit]
>   Solvers
>        * Code and build system template for users to create solvers that
>          use the DOLFIN library
> !    [[35]edit]
> ! 
> ! Parameter system
> ! 
> !      * Namespaces, summaries, command-line, XML files, see
> !        [[36]discussion]
> ! 
> !    [[37]edit]
>   Items migrated from TODO list
>      The following items have been migrated from the DOLFIN TODO file.
>      Please help out sorting them into their correct categories above.
> !    [[38]edit]
>   Unsorted
> ***************
> *** 121,127 ****
>               trick
>      described here to allow indexed access:
> !    [34]http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/?p=113
>        * Parallel issues
>             + Store both global and local indices for cell/vertex, add mesh
>               functions for this
> --- 130,136 ----
>               trick
>      described here to allow indexed access:
> !    [39]http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/?p=113
>        * Parallel issues
>             + Store both global and local indices for cell/vertex, add mesh
>               functions for this
> ***************
> *** 180,183 ****
>               stuff.
>      Testing notification script
> !    Retrieved from "[35]
> --- 189,192 ----
>               stuff.
>      Testing notification script
> !    Retrieved from "[40]
> _______________________________________________
> DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> DOLFIN-dev@fenics.org
> http://www.fenics.org/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev

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