On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 01:16:18PM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Anders Logg wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 01:56:05PM +0200, Johan Hake wrote:
> >>> It would be nice to move towards a release in the not too distant
> >>> future. Can we try and knock a few points off the TODO list? The stand
> >>> out TODO items are:
> >>>
> >>> - Parsing of command-line arguments
> >> This one should be in place. But we need to sort out how we should combine
> >> command line parsing with the PETSc options. Refering to what was
> >> discussed in a previous thread.
> > 
> > Yes, this is done. And I think we agreed that we prefix PETSc options
> > with "petsc." so
> > 
> >  --petsc.foo=bar
> >
> Yes.
> > results in passing foo=bar to PETSc. Just needs to be implemented.
> > 
> >>> - Move to new parameter system
> > 
> > I will try to get to this soon but other things are more pressing at
> > the moment.
> > 
> Is there much to do or is it just renaming files?

We need to create a global parameter database (suitably define a
singleton instance of NewParameters) and connect this to the get/set
functions. We also need to add some command for parsing command-line
options into this global database and pass PETSc options to PETSc.

> >>> - Move to new XML format/implementation
> >>>
> >>> Are these largely in place already?
> > 
> > I think so. Ola?
> > 
> > Then there's also the parallelization which is close to
> > finished. Depending on how it goes, it might just need a few more
> > hours of work to get an initial version going. Everything should be
> > ready up to actually initializing the (PETSc) matrix, which is also
> > mostly prepared.
> > 
> I expect that this will require a lot of testing and quite some small 
> and not so small tweaks, so I wouldn't hold off the next release for 
> parallelisation.

Yes, I'm sure a lot of work remains before it actually becomes useful,
but there is only minor work left to make it work (as in assembling in


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