Johan Hake wrote:
> On Monday 22 June 2009 10:51:49 Ola Skavhaug wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Garth N. Wells<> wrote:
>>> Johan Hake wrote:
>>>> On Saturday 20 June 2009 13:10:46 Garth N. Wells wrote:
>>>>> I tried to do
>>>>>    u0.vector() = u1.vector()
>>>>> where u0 and u1 are both discrete functions, in PyDOLFIN but it doesn't
>>>>> work so I'm using
>>>>>    u0.vector().assign( u1.vector() )
>>>> This is the correct way to do it. Assignment operators are just ignored
>>>> for the dynamically typed languges supported by SWIG. We therefore
>>>> rename the foo.operator= to foo.assign.
>>>> However for the Vector and Matrix interfaces we also support the numpy
>>>> lookalike assignment:
>>>>   v[:] = u
>>>> and
>>>>   A[:,:] = B
>>>> I have talked to Anders about removing both v.assign and v.set(double *)
>>>> and "force" the PyDOLFIN users to use the numpy assignments.
>>> Is there any difference in performance between the two?
>>> Garth
>> The slicing means that the actual memory of A is overwritten. I guess
>> that is the same as the operator= did before?
>> Hence, I guess there will be no big difference.
> When I implemented the slicing operator I assumed that the operator= would be 
> fastes when a full vector is copied, a la:
>   v[:] = u,
> because the operator= can use optimized functions from the underlaying la 
> library, for example VecCopy for PETSc. So I added a check for this in the 
> python slicing operator. If a full slice is assigned, as above, we use the 
> assign method, otherwise we use the set(const double*, uint, const uint*) 
> method.

OK, nice.


> Johan
>> Ola
>>>> Johan
>>>>> Is there a fundamental reason why '=' can't be used or does SWIG just
>>>>> need to be told how to overload '=' for vectors?
>>>>> Garth
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