The following page has been updated:

The changes are as follows.




*** 59,66 ****

         appropriate :DEL]
       * Parsing of command-line arguments
       * Move to new parameter system
!      * Parsing of nested parameters --krylov_solver.relative_tolerance
!        1e-16
       * [DEL: Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
       * Break up function Assembler::assemble_system
--- 59,66 ----

         appropriate :DEL]
       * Parsing of command-line arguments
       * Move to new parameter system
!      * [DEL: Parsing of nested parameters
!        --krylov_solver.relative_tolerance 1e-16 :DEL]
       * [DEL: Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
       * Break up function Assembler::assemble_system

*** 71,78 ****

       * [DEL: Make build system check for build errors :DEL]
       * Fix the simultaneous use of "-DDEBUG -DNDEBUG" in the compiler
!      * Fix that dolfin_utils is not installed when using
!        "enablePydolfin=no"
       * [DEL: Rename message() --> info() :DEL]
       * Consistency wrt disp() and str(), perhaps disp() should be
--- 71,78 ----

       * [DEL: Make build system check for build errors :DEL]
       * Fix the simultaneous use of "-DDEBUG -DNDEBUG" in the compiler
!      * [DEL: Fix that dolfin_utils is not installed when using
!        "enablePydolfin=no" :DEL]
       * [DEL: Rename message() --> info() :DEL]
       * Consistency wrt disp() and str(), perhaps disp() should be
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