Anders Logg wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 09:03:20AM +0200, Harish Narayanan wrote:
>> Has anyone seen the following problem when trying to run python demos?
>> The C++ demos work, both in serial and in parallel. When I try to run
>> python demos (either in serial or in parallel), I receive the following
>> (on a hardy machine):
>> $ python
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 16, in <module>
>>     V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
>>   File
>> "/home/harish/Work/FEniCS/build/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dolfin/",
>> line 271, in __init__
>>     spaces = dim*[FunctionSpace(mesh, family, degree, restriction)]
>>   File
>> "/home/harish/Work/FEniCS/build/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dolfin/",
>> line 194, in __init__
>>     FunctionSpaceBase.__init__(self, mesh, element)
>>   File
>> "/home/harish/Work/FEniCS/build/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dolfin/",
>> line 43, in __init__
>>     ufc_element, ufc_dofmap = jit(self._element)
>>   File
>> "/home/harish/Work/FEniCS/build/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dolfin/",
>> line 43, in mpi_jit
>>     if MPI.num_processes() == 1:
>> TypeError: num_processes() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
> Mikael Mortensen had the same problem yesterday.
> What is MPI on your system? Is it the DOLFIN MPI class or something
> else?
> In [1]: from dolfin import *
> In [2]: print MPI
> ------> print(MPI)
> <class 'dolfin.cpp.MPI'>
> In [3]: print MPI.__doc__
> ------> print(MPI.__doc__ )
>     This class provides utility functions for easy communcation with
>     MPI.
>     C++ includes: MPI.h
> In [4]: print MPI.num_processes
> ------> print(MPI.num_processes)
> <function num_processes at 0x1ec8758>
> In [5]: print MPI.num_processes.__doc__
> ------> print(MPI.num_processes.__doc__)
> num_processes() -> uint

Here is what I see (It's the same as your output.):

In [1]: from dolfin import *

In [2]: print MPI
<class 'dolfin.cpp.MPI'>

In [3]: print MPI.__doc__

    This class provides utility functions for easy communcation with MPI.

    C++ includes: MPI.h

In [4]: print MPI.num_processes
<function num_processes at 0x1108c08>

In [5]: print MPI.num_processes.__doc__
num_processes() -> uint
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