On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Anders Logg <l...@simula.no> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 10:07:59AM -0500, Andy Ray Terrel wrote:
>> In previous versions of DOLFIN, a user was able to define a function
>> (overloading eval) and then use it in several forms, even when the
>> forms had different function spaces.  It seems that currently a
>> FunctionSpace gets attached to the user function and then I get a
>> runtime error when it is used in another form.  Is there a way to tell
>> the function to delete the current function space?
>> Any help is appreciated.
> Which version are you using? 0.9.3 or hg tip?

I'm using 0.9.3.  I'm way to slow to keep up with the tip =D.

> We've been redesigning the function classes since 0.9.3 to make these
> things work better. In particular, a user must now subclass a new
> class named Expression which never has a FunctionSpace attached to it
> so you should be able to use it in many forms, as long as the shape
> (rank and dimension) of the expression matches.

Okay, I'd like to release my library against 0.9.3 so users can have a
stable release but I will watch out for these changes.

-- Andy

> --
> Anders
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