On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Garth N. Wells <gn...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Andy Ray Terrel wrote:
>>>> The repository is here now:
>>>>  http://bitbucket.org/dolfin/dolfin/
>>>> Btw, Garth and I have discussed the possibility of moving the
>>>> repositories from fenics.org to Bitbucket. Less to maintain and we
>>>> don't need to rely on the good will of someones IT support (which may
>>>> not be indefinite).
>> I assume you want to move all of FEniCS over to bitbucket's service.
>> This will be quite a migration for all the different apps, but in
>> general I have been very pleased with bitbucket.  Why not switch to
>> bazaar and integrate the code with the launchpad system?
> That's a possibility.
> Here's quick run down on pro/cons that I see. Feel free to add to it.
> Launchpad:
>  Pros:
>  Nice interface
>  Blueprints
>  We're already using it
>  Mailing lists
>  Release planning
>  Free
>  Cons:
>  bazaar: we'd have to learn it. Is it fast enough?

Its supposedly faster than mercurial now ( http://bazaar-vcs.org/Benchmarks ).

> Bitbucket:
>  Pros:
>  Mercurial
>  Nice interface
>  Wiki
>  Simple management of ssh keys

Something missing here is the fork ability.  I don't think launchpad
has this mechanism where you can make a fork a project and requests
pulls easily.  It something I do a lot with bitbucket (and github),
but I don't think that outweighs nice integration with a bug tracker.

>  Cons:
>  Not free. Expense is not prohibitive, but it's admin.
>  Feature planning and bugs reports are mixed up.

> Garth
>> -- Andy
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