I produced this test from the example: http://www.dom4j.org/guide.html  Maybe something with how you're loading the document is causing your problems.

import java.net.URL;
import java.io.*;

import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;

import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat;
import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        Document doc = parse(args[0]);

    public static Document parse(String filename) throws Exception {
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document = reader.read( new FileReader(filename) );
        return document;
    public static void write(Document document) throws Exception {
        // Pretty print the document to System.out
        OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        writer = new XMLWriter( System.out, format );
        writer.write( document );      

I ran it on your XML and it printed this to standard out:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<root xmlns="urn:bogus-namespace"> 

Also, when you have a DOM4J document in memory, it doesn't have the concept of inheriting namespaces.  Every node has a namespace, so if you change the namespace of one node, none of its descendants are influenced.


Jon Brisbin wrote:
Evan Kirkconnell wrote:
Are you creating the problem elements with code or are they in your 
loaded document?
The problem elements are the direct descendants of the element I add the 
namespace to.

I created a test case to see what's going on. It seems to be related to 
the SAXContentHandler creating the DOM4J Document for me.

When I create the DOM4J document by reading in an XML file using the 
SAXContentHandler, the default namespace gets stripped off. Here's the 
file I read in:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns="urn:bogus-namespace">

I read the XML file into a DOM4J Document:

String NS = "urn:bogus-namespace";
Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
namespaces.put( "", NS );

DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
df.setXPathNamespaceURIs( namespaces );

SAXContentHandler ch = new SAXContentHandler();
p.parse( ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream( "dom4j-test.xml" ), ch );

Document d = ch.getDocument();
System.out.println( d.asXML() );

When I printed out the document, the default namespace gets stripped off:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

So I added the namespace back in on the root element and tried it again:

d.getRootElement().addNamespace( "", NS );

Which manifested the problem:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns="urn:bogus-namespace">
    <first-level xmlns="">

When I read the document in using the internal Java 1.5 Xerces parser, 
then used the DOM4J DOMReader to create a Document out of the XML file, 
everything works as expected and the default namespace is preserved like 
I expect.

I've since changed my application to use a DOMReader and have abandoned 
the SAXContentHandler as a method for creating DOM4J Documents from 
files. Using a W3C DOM first seems a little unnecessary, but if that's 
what I've got to do...


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