found this post. It definitely works, but is this the desired approach?

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Yevgeniy Belman <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm using dom4j to parse and map xml docs and could really use some
> help with 1.6.1 library. When i do an Element.remove(Namespace), the
> namespace does not get removed. Here's a snippet where i am trying to remove
> xmlns from the NbOfTxnPerSts element. It is not working for me. Any ideas?
> Element stat...
> Element pain997...
> stat.detach();
> stat.remove(stat.getNamespace());
> System.out.println(stat.asXML());
> pain997.add(stat);
> <NbOfTxsPerSts xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.02">
>   <DtldNbOfTxs>1</DtldNbOfTxs>
>   <DtldSts>ACTC</DtldSts>
> </NbOfTxsPerSts>
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