I found this in yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle. The event is
February 26 at Bimbos in San Francisco. There is nothing listed on the
Doob's Web Site or on The Cohn Winery Site. Here's the information: 

Little Feat, Sy Clops, members of The Doobie Brothers and special guest
Michael McDonald are on the bill for the eighth annual Thunder Road
Benefit Roast and All Star Jam. The event will benefit the Oakland-based
residential drug treatment program for teenagers and their families. The
only such program in Northern 
California to offer scholarships to disadvantaged kids. Thunder Road was
founded 12 years ago and has served more than 4,000 teenagers. As in
past years, the event will begin with a celebrity roast after the VIP
reception, silent auction and dinner. 

This year's roastee is Bruce Cohn, longtime manager of The Doobie
Brothers and owner of the B.R. Cohn Winery in Sonoma. Joe Smith former
president of Capitol and Warner Brothers Records, will be master of
ceremonies. The talk ends at 9 p.m. with the start of the jam-style
concert. Over the years, the benefit has raised more 
than $425,000 for Thunder Road.
Thunder Road Roast and Jam Benefit Concert, 5pm VIP reception followed
by dinner and the roast; 9pm concert, tickets $100 (for the concert
only), $195 (dinner and concert), $1000 (two tickets for reception,
dinner concert); tables of 10 available for $2500 and $5000, (510)
869-6720; for concert tickets only, call (415) 

Sounds like fun! A jam-style concert? Yeah! :-)

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