Title: RE: A thought-provoking Doobs-related question for the list

To sing, Don't Stop To Watch The Wheels. But at the end where Pat really stretches, I would have to go an octave low. As a guitarist,I know Without You, Disicple (rhythum part), and Pusuit On 53rd St.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 10:55 AM
Subject: A thought-provoking Doobs-related question for the list

Hi all:

This weekend after our wonderful snowstorm up here (12"), I was outside for a
walk with my husband, and we passed the window of a local music store. In the
window was a guy playing a piano--the beginning part of Locomotive Breath,
and after that he went into China Grove, along with some other great tunes.

We went inside to listen to him play some more, and I started thinking: if I
were ever lucky enough (as our wonderful friend Doobster was in December of
1999) to actually have the chance to sing and play with our favorite band,
what song would be the one I would want to play and sing to? I have played
piano since I was five, and for keyboarding, it would have to be Chinatown.
If I was a guitar player, it would be The Doctor. To sing to, it would have
to be the harmony part on Sweet Feelin.   

What are the rest of your thoughts on this?

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